Understanding the Birth Order: First Borns

Here's why your birth order actually really matters. 

So the following is part one of the four part series determining which is the superior sibling. First, middle, last or only child.

Starting with first borns, a study in 2014 found that they tend to have the highest IQ's out of their siblings and not only that, but a separate study found that first borns were also most likely to have jobs that are paid 100,000 dollars or more. A psychologist at temple university says, many parents spend more time reading and explaining things to firstborn. So this could explain why they also tend to get better grades. 

However, they are subject to strict rules and are more likely to face harsh consequences for wrongdoing then younger siblings. Also, a Swedish study concluded that generally they are more emotionally stable, persistent, socially outgoing, willing to assume responsibility and able to take initiative. 

And how this all translates into careers

They are more likely to be managers or in occupations requiring leadership ability. 91 percent of astronauts, 53 percent of US presidents and 80 percent of Harvard students are first-born or only children my gosh, 

Researchers also found that the most bossy out of all birth orders and genders are first born females. Okay, then I just said we don't big them up too much, first ones are also more likely to be overweight, obese and to have high blood pressure. 

So take your money in your success because you're dying early anyway. 

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