Europe Fuel Crisis

Everyone needs to know what is happening in Europe right now. 

These are the mind blowing cues for fuel that the people of France are getting used to by now over in Poland more than 2000 mayors and local politicians gathered in the capital to protest the energy bills as the prices in some areas have increased by a staggering 1000 percent.

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In Italy, they protested rising costs by burning their energy bills and even been teaching the town hall in Naples, chanting we don't pay the bills. Now it will be chaos. Similarly in England last week, demonstrations broke out across the nation with people vowing to burn their bills as the energy prices went up yet again and the prime minister Liz Truss has just that the record for the worst personal approving rating ever recorded for a prime minister at minus 47. 

It was a widespread protest for similar reasons in Germany, Austria. Romania, Greece and many more. And just for perspective inflation on everyday consumer products in the euro area have just hit a record moving into double digits for the first time ever and what's even scarier is how hard this information was defined. It's likely that if you don't live in one of these countries, you may not even know that this was going on.

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